
Welcome to Writerpad, a hub that tries to help writers open up their imaginations, home in on their writing skills and maximize opportunities to make money writing on and offline.

My name is Will Ellington and I'm an English teacher, blogger and YouTuber from the UK. For the past decade, I have been living and working in Osaka Japan, teaching English as a second language in several language schools in the Kansai region.

I love languages. I love learning them. playing with them distorting them. and using them to gain insights into what makes human interaction unique.

My two main passions in life are writing and tech and I hope this website will offer visitors some of the things I've learnt about writing and tech over the past two decades.

Here is a list of things you can expect to find on this site:

  • reviews and previews of new writing apps and services

  • short tutorials on developing your craft as a writer

  • ways of making money as a writer in our digital times

  • inspirational prompts to help with writer's block

  • creating a writing portfolio

  • links to useful writing resources